Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get Paid to Go Green

For the individual, ECOE offers a home-based business opportunity and marketing concept unique to the energy generation and renewable energy industries, by enabling their I-Business Agents to make sales of ECOE's energy-generation systems and other related go-green products and services and profit from their technologies.

                                                 The ECOE Opportunity
ECOE offers individuals and business owners several ways to generate residual incomes. Just this very concept even being offered by ECOE has stirred up one main question ...
Why?  "Why does ECOE offer a home-based business model when it can easily sell its products and keep all profits?"  It's pretty simple really.
To explain the "Why" all we need do is ask a very simple question.
What can YOU do to reduce the pollution created by your daily activities?
Yes, you can recycle more, cut down on your energy use, buy energy efficient light bulbs, cutting back on water usage, all help.
It's easy to 'think' of the ways one can reduce the pollution created by our daily activities.
But is it enough?
The question is:  "What are we all doing to reduce our carbon footprint?"
Can we honestly say that we are doing our absolute best to reduce, reuse and recycle, cut down energy use in our homes, use less water and use eco-friendly products where we can, use public transportation, cleaner fuels or ride a bike or even walk to our destinations?  
Wouldn't you do more if you were paid to do these things?

We well know we've gone out and bought energy efficient light bulbs, taken them home and had a 'feel good' moment when we installed them. But sure enough, every month you look at your utility bills and run around turning off those light bulbs to cut down on those bills.
So why do the bills just keep going up while our money keeps going out the door?
The truth is, if you spend your money on these 'things' all you are really buying is a "feel good" moment for yourself created from the ads and marketing materials that tell you to feel good about shelling out your hard earned money.  Just do the math and you will easily see that all you are buying is your own smile. You are not saving any money, although yes, you are doing good to reduce carbon creation.  But as sad as it is, you would most likely save more money to use what you already have rather than fall into the hype and misdirection that ads and marketing get you to open your wallet for.
Want proof?  Ask yourself one very simple question ...
When was it that "reduce, reuse, and recycle" became "Spend more of my money to replace what I have already bought to save more?"
Scary to think of how much of your money has ended up in a landfill somewhere isn't it?
ECOE's goal is to provide the solution for this flawed model of "Spend to Save" by changing people's awareness and thinking into "Do and Earn" via the best avenue of sales generation the world has ever seen. Paying people to share the ECOE products and services via word-of-mouth marketing.
Now you can get Paid to Go Green
Here are a few details about the ways you can be paid to do more:
There are five (5) different ECOE Pay Plans, and all are tied directly to each member's infinite organization of friends they introduce to ECOE.
And, besides the 5 pay plans, you'll also get paid on the sale of the ECOE products and services to yourself as an agent.
These Five (5) Pay Plans are:
1. Fast-start Bonus Pay Plan - Green and I-Business Agent Members are eligible AVAILABLE NOW
2. Uni-level Infinity Pay Plan - pays 'Licensed Agent' generated residual earnings AVAILABLE NOW
3. Online Store Pay Plan - pays on shopping cart purchases and sales to end users (Available Soon)
4. Installed Device Pay Plan - pays on installed energy-generation device purchases (Available Soon)
5. Agent Outlet Pay Plan - pays on franchise agents acquired outside of the Program (Available Soon)

PLUS You also get access to Four (4) Other income streams ...
And 100% 'Passive Income' stream through our JV Partner, CCN.
                      Powerful Company Marketing Done For You
ECOE has different membership plans available that includes tremendously powerful marketing that the company does FOR you.  From the FREE Green member plan up to the Corporate I-Business Agent plan.  These various plans can include:

Subscription to the ECOE newsletter for general promotional events and public news and press releases
Fast-start Bonus deposits generated from your personally signed members upgrading
Access to CCN, ECOE's JV Partner's Carbon Credit trade/auction portal
Your own ECOE Web site with the ability to offer membership to others
50% earnings on many Shopping Cart items generated from your direct sales and personal purchases
Direct communication with ECOE's CEO via Skype™ Multi-person. Audio, Text, and Video Conferencing
Direct communication with ECOE's CMO via Skype™ Multi-person. Audio, Text, and Video Conferencing
ECOE Approved Business Cards, personalized with your contact details
ECOE Approved Brochures, personalized with your contact details
Share of the Banner Credits accumulated monthly for cash-out by ECOE's banner-ad launches
Share of the click-through traffic from ECOE's Co-op ads to the GoGreen products Traffic Rotator
Share of the traffic from any Television News Broadcast ECOE secures for the Project
Share of the traffic from any ECOE purchased Television Commercial ad air-time
Share of the traffic from any ECOE 15 to 60 minute GoGreen TV Infomercials

Access to Online Meetings for discussion on ECOE's internal future plans and directions
Share Credits monthly towards the public release of any GoGreen project Stock

Are you aware that the creation of "carbon" and other greenhouse gases costs each of us more and more money every day?
Until now, all any of us have been able to do is spend more and more of our hard earned money to buy 'things' that will (apparently) save us money through saving energy, all while the costs of energy just keep going up and up and up.
Yes, we're all told that buying energy-efficient 'things' will save us money in the long-run.
But have you ever sat down and really looked at the math?
This is both a critical and an extraordinary time for our planet and during the past several years we have witnessed an increasing awareness about climate change.
Environmental organizations, conservation groups and even governments are now actively encouraging businesses and individuals to take very seriously the effects that climate change is having on our planet and is predicted to have in the years ahead.
And it's all targeted at your wallet.
ECOE is offering you "paid incentive" to take on the responsibility of reducing your carbon production and the carbon generated by others.

THAT is why ECOE offers a home-based business opportunity.
Make money by being paid to help cleanup the planet.
Join ECOE as a Free Green Member.
In the end, your action today is what's really important to the future of all life tomorrow.

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